Crystals vs Gemstones: Which one "wins" when it comes to jewellery?

The short

The answer is either neither or both - depending on whether you're a "glass half full" or "glass half empty" sort of person! We prefer the latter. In fact, we would say that gemstone quality crystals are the absolute perfect material for use in fine and demi-fine jewellery. 

How do gemstones differ from crystals and vice versa?

While the terms "gemstone" and "crystal" are sometimes used interchangeably, they are terms which actually refer to two distinct categories of "things".

The relationship between the two categories lends itself nicely to a Venn Diagram! You will see that:

  • there are crystals which are not gemstones (e.g. large specimens with poor clarity);
  • there are gemstones which are not crystals (some types of rock or organic matter such as amber can be considered gemstones, but they are not crystals); and
  • there are crystals which are gemstones (the sweet spot when it comes to jewellery!)

What makes a crystal "gemstone quality"?

You know one when you see it because they have a certain lustre, brilliance or indescribable beauty. 

When its composite elements are analysed, whether a crystal meets the standard of "gemstone quality" essentially comes down to its colour, clarity, size, optical properties, rarity in nature and treatment which enhances its appearance (e.g. cut, polish, exposure to high temperatures to alter colour). 

What types of crystals does Earthlight use in its jewellery?

We only use A+ high grade natural gemstone quality crystals (the finest of the fine) in our jewellery. We hope that when you see them, you will know exactly why we invest in this point of difference and that they continue to bring you a sense of awe for a long time into the future. 

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